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Recombinant S. cerevisiae KEX2 protease protein

Brand: Abcam
Kategori: Life Science

Rp. 16,846,629
  • SKU : ab96554
  • Berat : 200 gram
  • Stok : 1

Kex2 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a transmembrane, Ca2+-dependent serine protease of the subtilisin-like pro-protein convertase (SPC) family with specificity for cleavage after paired basic amino acids. At steady state, Kex2 is predominantly localized in late Golgi compartments and initiates the proteolytic maturation of pro-protein precursors that transit the distal secretory pathway. However, Kex2 localization is not static, and its itinerary apparently involves transiting out of the late Golgi and cycling back from post-Golgi endosomal compartments during its lifetime.

Electronics Black Wrist Watch

Category: Electronics
SKU: MS46891340

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