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VAHTS® Universal Plus DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina V2 6 rxn

Brand: Vazyme
Kategori: Life Science

Rp. 1,072,000
  • SKU : ND627-00
  • Berat : 200 gram
  • Stok : 1

VAHTS Universal Plus DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina V2 is a DNA library preparation kit featuring enzyme-based fragmentation specifically developed for Illumina high-throughput sequencing platforms. This kit is an upgraded version of the original one. It significantly reduces the proportion of Artificial Invert Chimera Reads in the DNA library of FFPE samples and improves the reliability of the detection of SNV and other biomarkers while maintaining the original high performance. The kit combines DNA fragmentation, end repair, and dA-tailing into one step. The adapter ligation, library amplification, and size selection can be performed directly without additional purification. The 100 pg to 1 μg template DNA can be converted into the library suitable for Illumina high-throughput sequencing platforms. The kit is perfectly compatible with DNA from different sources and ofdifferent input amounts, and the user only needs to adjust the fragmentation time based on the target insert size to obtain a library with the desired fragment size.

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