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CellCounting-Lite 3D Luminescent Cell Viability Assay - 400 ml

Brand: Vazyme
Kategori: Life Science

Rp. 51,720,668
  • SKU : DD1102-03
  • Berat : 200 gram
  • Stok : 1

CellCounting-Lite 3D is a cell viability detection reagent based on the luciferase system. This reagent contains luciferin with high purity, thermostable luciferase and optimized reaction reagent, which makes the lysis ability stronger, and it is more suitable for micro tissue cell mass samples under 3D cell culture conditions. This product shall be added to the cell culture to make the cell mass lyse and release ATP, so that the reaction can occur as shown in Figure 1 and a stable optical signal shall be sent out. The luminous intensity is directly proportional to the amount of ATP, that is, the number of living cells, within a certain range. Therefore, this product can be used for quantitative detection of the number of living cells.

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