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5’ DNA Adenylation Kit - 10 reactions

Brand: NEB
Kategori: Life Science

Rp. 6,056,562
  • SKU : E2610S
  • Berat : 200 gram
  • Stok : 1

The 5´ DNA adenylation Kit is a simple and efficient enzymatic method for generating 5´-adenylated DNA. The kit is optimized to produce the adenylated DNA with or without 3´-terminator. The 5´ DNA adenylation kit routinely generates greater than 95% conversion of pDNA to AppDNA(1). This highly efficient process eliminates the need for gel isolation of the product and increases overall yield. This product is related to the following categories: RNA Ligation

Electronics Black Wrist Watch

Category: Electronics
SKU: MS46891340

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